Guitar Chops....
#guitar #bass #guitarist

Checkout my latest releases at ........
CD BABY (https://store.cdbaby.com/Artist/KennSmith), iTunes, Amazon, Spotify.......

It’s Hard to Find a New Guitar Home.....
Living in Chicago is a drag if you are a serious elder musician, no place to work or play for fun. The yuppies have pretty much destroyed...
the early part of the decade is always the most fun.
Things always happen in the beginning of an decade, from 0 to 5, then after things slow down. It’s best to retreat in the later years a...

A 1972 Fender Super 6 Reverb, great old school guitar tone.... I’m surrounding and equipping myself with classic amps and effects.

O Holy Night by Kenn Smith
YouTube (https://youtu.be/wPaOydP0lxc)
Stupidity is not a form of wisdom, but a true sign of the ignorance.
#words #life #history #humans #humanity

Here are a few pics......
Me and Mark Lettieri Me and Brent Mason Me and Greg Koch #kennsmith #music #guitar #guitarist #life #GOD #love

Being Black and Versatile...
I've had so much hope for this world, but as I get older I’m more distained. It just doesn’t seem to be getting better just harder to be...